Now, before I start this, I feel like I need to inform you a bit here.
This blog posting is very opinionated and is based on my own personal experiences. That being said, it's a very personal post...HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I will be throwing professionalism and maturity out the window. Try to read this post as a mature rant from a very frustrated 26 year-old guy.
Let's get to it.
A friend of mine shared a pretty messed up article on Facebook today. My friend is a rather chunky fellow, so his frustrations are equal to that of mine when it comes to this subject, he is just on the other side of scale. (Literally)
The article essentially states that, unless you are muscular and "masculine", than you aren't attractive to women. Also, intelligence is directly connected to muscles mass. The more jacked you are, the smarter you are. (lol wut)
I want to clarify here. It is absolutely possible to be both muscular and intelligent. Many of my friends are lucky enough to have both large biceps and a large brain.
Now, as a skinny guy, I find this article both hysterical and insulting.
A guy that spends less time working out his muscles and more time working out his mind, SHOULD be far more attractive to a mature woman. There is obviously a line to be drawn somewhere (which boils down to personal preference), but unfortunately most "women" find a guy who has huge muscles and the IQ of an eggplant, to be be more attractive. They'd rather have a guy who is physically attractive and can "protect her", than a guy who can file his own taxes, hold a decent job, and prevent situations where she would need to be protected in the first place, by using his wit and intelligence.
It's a sad truth and most women will argue until they are blue in the face, that it isn't.
I may sound a little frustrated, but that's because I am. This article makes my blood boil.
Being thin is an issue I've had to deal with my entire life and I'm sure it's the same way for large guys as well. We simply were not born with the frame or build, to be as "ripped" as other men. Does that mean we should be tossed aside? I've lost count of how many times I've been passed up by women for some "muscle-head" despite being sweet, caring, intelligent, and thoughtful. It is beyond frustrating when you act the way a true gentleman should act, only to be put in the "friend-zone" because you weren't enough of a man to meet her expectations.
Anyone who has half a brain will tell you that there is a logical reason for this. You could even cite Charles Darwin and his idea of "natural selection." The weak specimens don't get chosen and only the strongest survive. Makes sense right? Women want a man who can be there for her physically. It's not his muscles that she finds attractive, but his strength...the two just go hand-in-hand. So, when a woman sees a man who appears to be physically stronger than another, she is naturally more attracted to him. To boil it down, it's simply a primal instinct. That being said, I hold ZERO resentment toward women that do/have done this at any time in their life. They are simply acting on instinct...something that is hard-wired into their DNA.
We aren't cavemen/women anymore. In today's modern age, is physical strength really something that should be at the top of your priority list for attractiveness? Granted, it's always a nice thing to have in a time of need...much like a gun or a condom.
"I'd rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it."
Let's get real here though. What traits are more worth having in a man these days? Wouldn't you think that intelligence and critical thinking skills would be pretty high up on the list? Wouldn't you rather be with a man who can avoid physical altercations and financial troubles by using his mind? A guy who can provide for you financially and mentally?
I may be a bit bitter, but take it from a guy who has dated plenty of attractive women, despite being's a real problem. It's a constant up-hill battle for us to find and attract women. Both skinny and chunky guys alike. So just do all of us a favor and at least consider us for a moment. Take a step back from your primal urges and try to look at things from the perspective of a modern human being.
Do you want to be with the guy who goes out and kills your dinner, or the guy who is smart enough to have the other guy do it for him?
I'm not chunky, I'm big boned!